Bath Time Incest

This one comes from Naughty Little Nymphos 12, which is the second time we’ve reviewed a scene from NLN. Which, now that I think of it, ‘naughty’ seems kinda redundant. I think nymphomaniac really tells us everything we need to know about the young women in this series.

We open on a tight shot of Alex Divine on a cordless phone – how’s that for a walk down memory lane – talking to her mother. She insists that she’s signed up for her correct AP classes and generally sounds put out.

Finally she asks if her mother wants to talk to dad, and says “He’s right here” and hands the phone over her shoulder to Kyle Stone.

And honestly…this is a pretty well-done moment that is exceedingly rare in porn. The “pull back and reveal” technique is a time-honored classic, and in the space of two seconds we learn

1) Alex Devine is naked and in the bath
2) she’s taking a bath with her dad

Kyle asks the unseen wife how the “conference” is. There’s some banal dialogue and he hangs up. He mentions how his wife is worried about Alex. And then…

Kyle: “No, honey. I’m your stepfather, I’ve been bathing you since you were a little girl, this big! It’s no big deal.”

God dammit.

You know, a lot of the ‘squick’ factor in incest comes from the fact that this is someone you’ve been around your entire life, that you have familial bonds. Just like it’s fucking creepy when someone turns 18 and gets married to the 40-year-old family friend who has been around for 15 years. No blood relation, but it’s still kinda fucking gross.

Admittedly, fauxcest porn (i.e. adding “step” to the relationship) is geared more towards skirting any legal issues than avoiding the squick factor, but at least if you find incest a bit weird you can say to yourself “well, maybe her mom remarried when she was sixteen and they don’t even have a real relationship”.

I guess they really want to lean into this and let us know: Kyle’s been around as her stepdad since he was changing her fucking diapers. And now, well…

Alex: “Yeah, but…I’m all grown up now.”
Kyle: “Yes, you are…but, I love you as much now as I did when you were little. Probably even more so.”

Alex accepts this, and shifts slightly, and notices that something beneath the surface is amiss:

Alex: “What’s so hard down there?
Kyle: “Ummm.”

The acting in this is…well, I’d hesitate to call it “good”, but the impish arch in Alex’s eyebrow is only matched by the goofy, shit-eating grin that immediately appears on Kyle’s face as…bluegrass banjo music starts playing.


Then Alex says:

HOW MANY TIMES HAS SHE SEEN – oh wait, we’ve established they’ve been bathing together all their lives. Apparently this is the first time he’s been aroused.

And then they plow. That’s about it for the plot, as it’s mostly wordless fucking while incredibly terrible porn music plays in the background. Although I do have to mention this shot:

Yes, that’s a black cat sitting on the windowsill, artfully framed as Kyle plays with Alex’s pussy. No, the other one.

At least there weren’t any rubber ducks.

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