The Scrabble Segue

It’s always a little odd when something is used to introduce to a porn scene and then never referenced again. Most of the audience skips the setup anyway, so you don’t really need anything, you can just start with them fucking. If you’re going to have a setup, leaving Chekhov’s gun unfired just seems wasteful, particularly if there were interesting and thematic ways it could continue to pay off into the scene.

This scene comes to us from Role Models 2 and/or On The Set With Hannah Harper (it is very common for a porn scene to be given a different title and re-released on another DVD because why not shoot one scene and get people to pay for it twice?) and starts Hannah Harper, Keegan Skyy, and Nikko Knight all sitting on a bed playing Scrabble together.

Hannah is playing first, and goes with:

Credit where credit is due; meretricious is a Scrabble-official word and that is the definition of it. Of course, it has twelve letters and you only get seven in Scrabble, and ‘tricious’ isn’t a word so it couldn’t have been played separately. Then again, Nikko has ten letters on his rack. Keegan does have the correct seven.

Nikko has all the letters to play synaloepha, but instead – as the camera pulls back, making it difficult to see, he plays “atyan”, which is not a fucking word. Hannah asks if he has to take penicillin with that. “No, you silly twit, it’s the contraction of two adjacent vowels into one syllable.” Which…that’s more or less the definition of synaloepha, so why the fuck didn’t he play that word? I can only assume there are multiple takes on the cutting room floor of Nikko desperately trying to play that word correctly and failing the basic task of placing letters sequentially from the rack onto the board, and finally they just said “We’ll pan away, just make a nonsense word.”

Hannah clarifies that she was just joking, and I gotta say, her British accent…it’s pretty great. We should have more women with posh British accents in the biz.

Keegan says it’s her turn, and plays “pussy”, and even though we’re a ways back, you can still tell that she’s playing the word “pussy” across the “c” in “meretricious”. Goddamn, guys. Make a fucking effort.
Hannah asks if she’s really going with that. Keegan says she is. Nikko asks her to use it in a sentence, and

Keegan comes up with:

Instantly, shitty music starts playing, Hannah says, “I think she wins,” Nikko moves the Scrabble game away, and they start fucking. And that’s the end of the Scrabble.

Talk about wasted opportunity, though. Since it’s a threesome, we could have them continue playing, with one person continually stepping out to play while the other two keep going and the Scrabble game words could dictate what happens. Like, it starts with eating pussy, and then Hannah plays “blowjob”, so they switch it up, then Nikko plays “threesome” but the “s” makes “blowjob” into “blowjobs”, so Keegan jumps in, then she plays “cowgirl” off the L, then Hannah adds tiles to turn it into “reverse cowgirl”…, and then finally Keegan plays “cum” on the “meretricious” and Nikko asks where he should come so Hannah plays “face” across the “cum” – you get the idea. Lotta options here.

Instead, we have a very generic threesome scene. Although they do that thing where two girls are on either side of the dick. You know what I’m talking about.

I don’t think that thing has an actual name, so I’m hereby proposing we call it “synaloepha”. Make it happen.

Eventually, they finish up and they all collapse into a pile of cum and sweat, and Hannah’s dad enters, played by Jerome Tanner, who directed this flick, sounding very put out:

Seems reasonable. He tells her to get some sleep because “they have church in the morning”. Hannah is pissed and turns to the camera (breaking the fourth wall) and says as soon as she wins her award, she’s moving out.

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