We open up with a title card, which I always appreciate:

Sunnie Daye’s voiceover kicks in as she writes in her diary while lying on her bed. She tells her diary that something crazy happened with Bill (her mom’s boyfriend) the previous night. Incest avoided! We cut to Sunnie, Bill (aka Rod Fontana) and on the couch. Mom explains that the movie is too scary for her, kisses Bill goodbye, and heads off to bed. Bill slurps from his glass of generic alcohol, and for what it’s worth, Rod Fontana has his sloppy drunk acting down cold.

Sunnie: “I was kinda worried about being alone with Bill. I had noticed that he would look at me, when he thought I wasn’t looking. It made me feel uncomfortable. Before I knew it, Bill he had fallen asleep. Then he started leaning on me with his eyes closed.”
Oh Jesus.
Also, “Bill he had fallen asleep?” THIS IS A FUCKING VOICEOVER, WRITE A BETTER SCRIPT.
Sunnie: “The movie at this point started getting scary, so when he snuck his arm over my shoulder I didn’t mind at first.”

First, we’ve established that the movie was already scary, that’s why your mom left.
Second, his arm isn’t over your shoulder.
Third, you were just telling us about how Bill keeps giving you creepy eyes. Pick a lane and stick in it.
Sunnie: “But then, he was pushing so hard on me that we were suddenly kinda lying down with his arms around me. And somehow his private parts was hanging out of his boxers, and he was actually humping my leg, kinda like a dog does.”
Don’t bring up dogs humping in porn, please.
Sunnie: “When he began to massage my private area, I knew I had to wake him up.”

Sunnie: “I was scared though. I had read somewhere that if you wake up a sleepwalker you could hurt them. And you could tell that he was really sleeping because his eyes were closed. All I could think was that he must be dreaming that he was doing my mother.”
First of all, there’s nothing wrong with waking up someone who is sleepwalking, although that’s a fairly common misconception, so I can’t really fault Sunnie for believing that. I can, however, fault her for thinking that she should let herself be molested by her Mom’s boyfriend. However, she does sharply push Bill and tell him to wake up and that she’s not her mom, so apparently she’s not too worried.
Sunnie says she started feeling naughty and wet.
We briefly cut back to Sunnie writing in her diary, and in a fairly nice bit of production value, the words she’s writing actually match what we see.

Sunnie: “Bill still didn’t wake up. I didn’t know what to do. I was afraid to wake him up. What should I have done? I realize I should have got up and just left, but at this point, Bill’s hands had been rubbing my private parts for a while, and it felt SO GOOD. I really didn’t want him to stop. Everything started to blur together.
Well. At least she recognizes that simply getting up and walking away was a valid and reasonable option.
Sunnie: “Then Bill had his mouth on my special spot, and started licking where I go pee.”
Why would you write that?
Like, even if you’re trying to make Sunnie appear chaste and virginal, out of all the options, why would you use “where I go pee”? Why not just “started licking down there?” Or “Started touching me in the place that sex ed classes was called the cliTORis.”
We cut back to Rod Fontana chowing down on Sunnie’s special spot, and proceed with a fairly generic sex scene except Rod Fontana has his eyes closed the entire time. You’d hope that they at least try to do something weird with it, but nope. There’s one moment where Sunnie climbs off, looks thoughtful for a moment, then drags Rod over into a different position, but that’s about it.
If she had left the room and come back a few seconds later with a strap-on, this would be the greatest porno of all time.
There’s a lovely continuity snafu where for most of the scene Rod has his underwear pulled down to just below his sack and then when we cut to the pop shot suddenly they’re below his knees.

Anyway, as he’s about to orgasm she leaps off him and and jerks him off onto his knees. I really think more porn should explore how chaste and naive young woman someone intuit thematically appropriate cumshot locations. Like, if Rod was awake (and honestly, even if he was asleep and sleep-fucking) he might just blow his load anywhere. How the fuck does Sunnie know about this?
Anyway, things are basically over now that the male pornstar has nutted, so Sunnie gets up and steals out of the room. However – in a fairly rare phenomena – we get a wrap-up scene to put everything together. More V.O.
Sunnie: “I woke up early the next morning and went to the kitchen to get a drink of water and Bill was there. I was gonna let him have it.”
For fuck’s sake. Either she wanted to fuck him or she didn’t want to fuck him. Pick one and stick with it!
Sunnie comes in and says she’s upset. She explains that it was her he was “doing it with” last not. Far from upset, Bill bursts into laughter. Sunnie asks him why he’s laughing.
Bill: “Cause…I thought that pussy was way too tight to be your mom’s.”

I mean…you sleep-fucked your mom’s boyfriend, and found out her special spot is looser than yours. What else is there to really say?