In another scene from Future Darkly: Pandemic, we cut back and forth between Lola Fae doing calisthenics while listening to a radio broadcast about COVID, while Lucky Fae (her boyfriend) typing on his laptop in a separate house. The broadcaster explains that COVID restrictions on private gatherings have been lifted in Los Angeles because there have been NO new cases in the last 30 days. Ahhahahahhahahha. Not a great prediction.
We get a shot of Luke in a HAZMAT suit walking through an apartment complex. He knocks on a door and is greeted by a woman in a hazmat suit. She makes him fill out a form (?) and checks his temperature. He’s not over temp, so they very tentatively go over to the couch. There’s some awkward dialogue about how much they’ve missed feeling each other, and how much they want to touch each other.

They separate by six feet on the couch and take off their super useless plastic face shields. Lola slowly and sexily undoes the upper half of her HAZMAT suit and strokes her breasts with her gloved fingers over a black sports bra. There’s more dirty talk, and Lola slowly and seductively takes off her first mask…and then her second one!

Lola: “I feel so exposed without my mask on!”
She pulls her top off, starts rubbing her breasts and…dafuk???
I know I usually black out the fun bits, but I can’t do this justice. DISCLAIMER: The following image is NOT intended to sexually arouse, but to provide medical information about elective breast augmentation surgery. By continuing to read, you affirm that you will *NOT* find the following image sexually arousing in any way.

On second thought, these are probably just tattoos, rather than surgery – significantly easier and safer. But I don’t think I’ve ever seen that in porn before. I think it would be funnier if one was a heart and one was a spade, though.
There’s some mutual masturbation until Lola decides she “has to have him” and they quickly suit up and start making out through their masks, which would make slightly more sense of LA hadn’t had a 30-day stretch of zero new infections. This would make a lot more sense if they were at the top of the curve..
Lola has Lucky swap out to new gloves. When he comes back he asks if he can touch her. Consent! It’s important!
He rubs her clit for a bit, then Lola spends maybe ninety seconds trying to extricate his penis from his underwear, pants, and HAZMAT suit. She gives him a latex-gloved handy while mouthing his cock through her double mask. It’s hilarious and it doesn’t make any sense and I love it.
Just past the halfway point of this 46-minute porno they finally start fucking.

It’s, uh…
Well, you can’t really see anything. Lola has a pretty nonstop stream of dirty talking but you can’t really understand anything through her double masks.
Eventually the director gets wise to the fact that porn without seeing anything makes for subpar pornography, so they tear Lola’s suit a little bit to expose the naughty bits a bit more.

They fuck in a variety of positions and things end the way they normally do except it’s on Lola’s stomach – what is with porn’s inability to make a mask-wearing facial a thing? – and that’s about it.
Well, actually not. Lucky gets a moist towelette from the table and, like a gentleman, helps wipe the cum off Lola’s belly. They tell each other they love each other, and talk about how they miss traveling together. They give each other a long, loving hug, and…credits!
Overall, a few minor nits to pick, but pretty great. They had a theme and they stuck with it throughout. Lola Fae and Lucky Fae – who I have to imagine are a real-life couple – have genuinely great chemistry which really sells the scene. It was awkward and silly and the plot didn’t make a whole lot of sense, but hey, that’s why this site exists.