This one comes to us from Over 18 Video Magazine #8. We open on Kyle Phillips seeing his uncredited doctor, in a doctor’s office that looks suspiciously like someone’s home:

Doctor: “Listen to me, you got to listen to me for one moment. You don’t have the flu, you have a serious throat infection. If you don’t take care of it now – ”
Kyle: “Please doctor, you don’t understand, just give me something, you – ”
Doctor: “You’ve got to stop talking!”
Kyle: “Talking is my life, I’m a salesman.”
Doctor: “No, you’ve got to stop talking for at least…three days.”
Kyle: “No, in three days I’ll lose – ”
Doctor: “You’ve got to do this or you could permanently injure your vocal chords.”
Kyle: “Please, doctor, please give me something.”
Kyle, to his credit, is doing a pretty solid job of rasping and talking like he has a frog in his throat, and eventually the doctor breaks down and gives Kyle a pill and a glass of water. Kyle downs it, then immediately freaks out and starts miming talking, because he’s lost his voice!

Doctor: “I know, I know. You can’t talk. That’s what you need, this is the only thing that will save your vocal chords. You have to stop talking, that’s what the pill did. Listen, next three days, you’re not going to talk.”
Kyle waves his hands around in futile protest.
Doctor: “There’s no choice, you already took it. Believe me, someday you’ll thank me for this. Here, if you need to communicate with anybody, take this board and this pen.”
Kyle takes the clipboard and starts furiously writing out DOCTOR I AM A SALESMAN because he apparently thinks the doctor hasn’t grasped that fact, but we abruptly cut away. Now, I’m not a doctor, but I think drugging your patients without telling them what you’re giving them might violate the law, maybe an oath or two? I think the phrase ‘informed consent’ may have something to do with it? Anyways.
We move over to Hailey Starr and Trevor Thompson getting out of a vehicle. Trevor explains that they’re at ‘his friend Kyle’s place’ and gives him a call. He complains about being barely able to hear anything. So they decide to go in. Kyle lets them in when they knock and Trevor asks why he wasn’t at work that day. Don’t worry about why Kyle has a barber’s chair in his apartment, we are not going to deal with that AT ALL.

Kyle makes some frustrated motions as Hailey takes a seat, and Trevor pulls Kyle surreptitiously to the side.
Trevor: “Dude, we can probably both get in on that.”
Kyle: “….”
Trevor: “Yeah, she looks hot, huh?”
Kyle throws down his newspaper and storms out. Kyle sits down next to Hailey and they start kissing and quickly begin summiting Fuck Mountain.

They fuck in a variety of creative positions and just when I was beginning to worry that they’d lost the thread with Kyle being mute, we cut into the next room with Kyle’s hands over his ears, trying to drown out the noise of his coworker plowing this broad he just picked up.

He seems distressed with the situation, which makes me wonder why Kyle was cool with Trevor and Hailey coming over in the first place. Trevor’s comments about them both getting to smash makes me suspect this isn’t the first time they’ve done this. Finally Kyle comes out and furiously writes them a note:

Trevor: “Oh hey, what’s up man, wanna get in on this? Isn’t she hot?”
I feel like you should ask the woman first before you try to tag in your buddy. But Hailey seems into it so Kyle wanders over and he’s freeballing under his bathrobe so we quickly transition into a threesome that evolves into double vaginal penetration, two dicks in the same vagina at the same time, if you’re unfamiliar an unable to glean from context. And you know, just once I’d like to see a porno properly deal with the lead-up to that. There’s a certain amount of intimacy between a pair of bros being simultaneously inside the same woman – some occasional eye contact, crossing swords, the balls touching – but significantly more intimacy between a pair of bros sharing the same vagina. How does that conversation go?
“So, we’re both going to be inside her pussy at the same time?”
“Fucking A, bro!”
Kyle takes out a PEN and PAPER and writes ‘SHOULD ONE OF US WEAR A CONDOM?’
“What, because our dicks will be grinding on each other?”
Kyle NODS.
Trevor puts his hand on Kyle’s shoulder.
“I want to feel all of you, bro.”
Kyle flips over to a fresh sheet of paper and we see him scribble (off-screen) as TREVOR and HAILEY wait with anticipation. Kyle then TURNS the sheet of paper, revealing a single word: …BRO
They all fuck, and things end the way they normally do. It’s fine. It’s a little disappointing that they didn’t do more with Kyle losing his voice, although I certainly appreciate it as a convenient plot device to make male porn stars shut the fuck up. Still, it feels like they left some comedic opportunities on the table, particularly when navigating an unexpected devil’s threeway. I also feel like we needed to flesh out Kyle and Trevor’s relationship some more. Like, is this a thing, where Trevor picks up chicks who are down for Double Stuf and brings them back to Kyle’s for a threeway, and this just happened to be during a time when Kyle’s doctor had drugged him into losing his voice? Kyle seemed very unsurprised that his friend just started fucking this stranger in his living room, which is normally a breach of social etiquette.
I did a little checking, and as it turns out, Trevor, Kyle, and Hailey have been in three scenes together, all involving double vaginal penetration, so apparently it is kind of their thing, and separate from that, Kyle and Trevor have been in fourteen different scenes together (not fucking each other, threesome deals), so apparently they’re just a couple bros doing bro things, getting together and getting their fuck on, which is oddly wholesome. Hats off to them.
Kissing: Yes