This one comes to us from Lesbian Office Seductions 3. We open on Sincerre LeMore sitting at a desk going through paperwork.

After a minute or two she sighs and presses the intercom to request Elexis “come in here for a minute”. Elexis Monroe comes in and sits down.
Sincerre: “Maybe I didn’t make myself clear, but this is not the data that I asked for.”
Elexis: “It’s not?”
Sincerre: “No, I needed the data for Sunshine Records from 1972 through 1980. Those were the years that [unintelligible] was at the label, and those are the years that matter in this lawsuit. All I see here is ‘76 through ‘85!”
Elexis asks to examine the paper, but realizes she fucked up.
Elexis: “I don’t know how I messed that up, I thought I was copying the right ones.”
Sincerre: “I can’t draft the motion without this information. And that motion is due Monday. It’s Friday, Elexis. What am I going to do here?”
Wait. The motion is due Monday and you didn’t start drafting it until the prior Friday? This isn’t some college essay for a class you don’t care about, Sincerre, what the fuck?
Elexis offers to go back down to archives and try and find the right years. Sincerre says they’re closed now, it’s four thirty.
Elexis: “Oh my god, I’m so sorry. Am I going to be written up for this?”
Sincerre: “Is that what you’re worried about, being written up? You should be worried about whether we’ll lose this case. Now get on the phone with the courts and tell them we need an extension filed. And then fax the notice to opposing counsel.”
I’m not a lawyer, nor do I play one on TV, but I think you might need to handle this one yourself, Sincerre, rather than delegating to your paralegal.
Elexis: “But the office party starts in an hour.”
Sincerre: “The office party?! Did I just hear you right? Do you realize this is a multimillion dollar case? Do you ever wonder why you don’t get promoted to first paralegal, Elexis?”
Elexis: “Well, I know I’ve made a few mistakes.”
Sincerre: “You’re lucky to still have a job here at all.”
That’s fair, but also, this is partly on you, Sincerre. If the paralegals you hire are fucking up a multimillion-dollar lawsuit and they’re more worried about attending the office party than un-fucking their screwups, you need to bend them over your desk, or at minimum, fire them.
Elexis leaves, and we fade to black to show the passage of time. After a bit, Elexis comes back in.
Elexis: “Opposing counsel won’t grant an extension and neither will the court. He said it’s too late.”
Granting extensions for weak reasons or no reasons at all are a matter of routine for the courts, there’s no reason why this one would be denied.
Sincerre: “You’ve got to be kidding. That asshole Murphy! I gave him at least five extensions on the last case. He’s just pissed he lost anyway. Well, it looks as though I’ll be working all weekend.”
Elexis: “I’m sorry. I’m really sorry. I promise it will never happen again.”
She turns to leave.
Sincerre: “Where are you going?”
Elexis: “Well, the office party is about to start, so…”
Sincerre: “The office party? You’re going to the office party while I sit here working all night?”
Elexis: “Well, I worked really hard on the Peterson case. And we’re celebrating winning the trial so yeah, I’d like to be there.”
Sincerre: “And what about this case? Doesn’t look like we’ll be celebrating a win this time. And if we do, it won’t be because of you.”
Elexis sighs and sulks over and sits down. Sincerre gets up and starts talking about all the work she’ll have to do over the weekend, while she strokes Elexis’ hair. Elexis reacts pretty much the way anyone would react when your boss starts stroking your hair without permission: looking terrified.

Sincerre: “Sometimes saying sorry isn’t enough, Elexis. Sometimes you have to show the other person…prove it to them.”
Elexis is confused about what she can do. Sincerre points out that she’s very stressed out and Elexis hasn’t offered to, you know, de-stress her. Elexis says she didn’t think she could. Sincerre tells her to think outside the box. Elexis, who clearly isn’t the sharpest of paralegals, still can’t figure out what her boss is implying, so finally Sincerre just says fuck it and kisses her with a LOT of tongue.

So. They have sex. It’s fine. Despite the fact that Elexis is clearly a terrible and unmotivated employee, she and Sincerre have pretty solid chemistry, or at least proficient at faking it.

When they’re done we fade right out to black with no follow-ups about whether they attended the office party or how the case turned out, so it’s a little anticlimactic. Oh well.
Kissing: Yes