After some quick opening credits, we get a title card, which I appreciate, that reads “Seduced My Brother”. We fade in on a hotel room, dual queens, with Tegan Mohr, and an unidentified male who is referred to in-scene as Dave:

After a bit of silence, they start improvising about how they’re bored and at least they’re not, you know, sharing a room with their parents. Tegan is doing her best annoying-giggling-sister impression, which is actually pretty solid, and Dave is doing his exasperated-older-brother impression, which is passable.
Tegan: “Let’s go do something?”
Dave: “Like what?”
Tegan: “I don’t know! Help me think of something.”
Eventually Dave pushes her on the bed and they joke about him doing it to see her panties which progresses to playful sibling wrestling and then suddenly:

They instantly both freeze and back away from each other in horror. After a minute Tegan sits next to Dave.
Tegan: “Should we do it again?”
Dave: “Uh, no.”
Despite this, Tegan immediately goes in for the kiss. They kiss a few more times and finally they break apart.
After a couple more kisses, Dave says they should stop and pushes Tegan away. He directs her back to her own bed and hugs a pillow, overcome with self-consciousness.
We fade to black and cut forward: Dave is asleep, Tegan is still awake. She says her brother’s name a few times, then gets out of bed and slowly pulls his covers off. Tegan eases Dave’s shorts down and starts blowing him. Yikes! Don’t rape people while they’re asleep, even if you’re pretty sure they’ll like it! You need permission for that sort of thing.
After a minute or two Dave wakes up, and while a little shocked, seems pretty okay with everything that’s happening.
Tegan: “What do you think of me?”
Dave: “You’re the best and worst sister ever.”
It should probably be noted that they aren’t pussingfooting around with the step-sibling fauxcest bullshit you usually get in porn, there is every indication that they are blood related.
Tegan: “I keep thinking about you.”
Dave: “What do you think about?”
Tegan: “I think about….how I shouldn’t be watching you in the shower. Or when you have your girlfriend over, I go to your door and watch you make out. And then I go to my room and touch myself thinking about you. I just can’t help it. And I want you to touch me so badly. I think about you all the time.”
Dave: “You know it’s wrong.”
Tegan: “I know, but Mom and Dad won’t find out.”
Dave: “They better not.”
Tegan: “Please…will you please fuck me like you fuck your girlfriend?”

I have to say, Tegan Mohr is fucking crushing it. She delivers every single line in breathless anticipation. Either she’s one of the best actresses in her profession or she does, in fact, want to fuck.
Anyway. They fuck in a variety of positions and things end the way they normally do.
Post-facial, Tegan and Dave lie down for a nice post-coital cuddle. Dave suggests they should at least put some shorts on, but Tegan scoffs at the idea. They drift off to sleep, and then suddenly:
Female voice: “Ah-hah! I know you guys were up to something!”
BUSTED! We get a dramatic sound effect, credits.
So, this scene has been floating around on any number of tube sites for a number of years, I’ve seen it before, and thought nothing of it. It’s pretty solid, as porn goes; they both seem pretty into it and bring passion and intimacy. Plot-wise, it’s pretty similar to most of the generic incest porn that dominates modern pornography, but it’s not something so ridiculous I would otherwise write about it here. So why am I?
Well, a few weeks ago I wrote a post about a Kick-Ass parody that ended with a sharp turn into strangulation and necrophilia, from the open-minded folks over at PKFStudios. During the process, I clicked around their to get an idea of what they offered, and discovered that a) this porno comes from PKF, and b) it’s only half the actual scene.
In the FULL version of the porno, that female voice at the end belongs to Victoria Verve, Tegan and Dave’s sister, who busts them. So…they attack her and spend the next 30 minutes strangling her to death with a belt.

It kinda leaves a bad taste in your mouth after such a lovely ending, but on the other hand, how great an idea is that? You shoot a porno with a generic incest plotline that abruptly shifts into strangle porn at the halfway mark, cut it in half, you then sell the first half to the general public who likes their porn with as few murders as possible, and then sell the full version to your…eclectic…audience. It’s brilliant. Also fucked up.
Kissing: Yes
Oral Sex Reciprocity Scale:
- Fellatio: 6:23
- Cunnilingus: 0:23